Bonsai Survival Manual: Tree-By-Tree Guide to Buying, Maintaining, and Problem Solving

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5,051円 (税込み)
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著者名 | Colin Lewis/Jack Douthitt |
出版社名 | STOREY PUB |
ISBNコード | 9780882668536 |
発売日/出版年度 | 1996年 |
From advice on evaluating and selecting plants, to assessing plant health and troubleshooting, the Bonsai Survival Manual provides the comprehensive information every bonsai gardener needs for success. Advice on selecting suitable species, feeding, watering, and providing the proper temperature; step-by-step guidance on keeping your miniature tree in shape and avoiding common bonsai ailments; and detailed horticultural profiles of 50 popular commercial varieties, with at-a-glance information on their specific requirements.