The Shellcoder's Handbook: Discovering and Exploiting Security Holes

The Shellcoder's Handbook: Discovering and Exploiting Security Holes


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著者名 Chris Anley/John Heasman/Felix Lindner
出版社名 WILEY
ISBNコード 9780470080238
発売日/出版年度 2007年


This much-anticipated revision, written by the ultimate group of top security experts in the world, features 40 percent new content on how to find security holes in any operating system or applicationNew material addresses the many new exploitation techniques that have been discovered since the first edition, including attacking "unbreakable" software packages such as McAfee's Entercept, Mac OS X, XP, Office 2003, and VistaAlso features the first-ever published information on exploiting Cisco's IOS, with content that has never before been exploredThe companion Web site features downloadable code files
