Lost in Space: The Fall of NASA and the Dream of a New Space Age

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著者名 | Greg Klerkx |
出版社名 | VINTAGE |
ISBNコード | 9780375727733 |
発売日/出版年度 | 2005年 |
The daring, revolutionary NASA that sent Neil Armstrong to the moon has lost its meteoric vision, says journalist and space enthusiast Greg Klerkx. NASA, he contends, has devolved from a pioneer of space exploration into a factionalized bureaucracy focused primarily on its own survival. And as a result, humans haven't ventured beyond Earth orbit for three decades. Klerkx argues that after its wildly successful Apollo program, NASA clung fiercely to the spotlight by creating a government-sheltered monopoly with a few Big Aerospace companies. Although committed in theory to supporting commercial spaceflight, in practice it smothered vital private-sector innovation. In striking descriptions of space milestones spanning the golden 1960s Space Age and the 2003 "Columbia tragedy, Klerkx exposes the "real" NASA and envisions exciting public-private cooperation that could send humans back to the moon and beyond.