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1,991円 (税込み)
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アーティスト名 | Grandaddy |
発売元名 | Dangerbird |
JANコード | 0842803027224 |
発売日/出版年度 | 2024年02月16日 |
1. Blu Wav
2. Cabin in My Mind
3. Long as I'm Not the One
4. You're Going to Be Fine and I'm Going to Hell
5. Watercooler
6. Let's Put this Pinto on the Moon
7. On a Train or Bus
8. Jukebox App
9. Yeehaw Ai in the Year 2025
10. Ducky Boris and Dart
11. East Yosemite
12. Nothin' to Lose
13. Blu Wav Buh Bye