Treating Compassion Fatigue

Treating Compassion Fatigue


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著者名 Charles R. Figley
ISBNコード 9781583910535
発売日/出版年度 2002年


Helping the traumatized can be quite traumatizing.
Compassion Fatigue is the latest in an evolving concept known in the field of traumatology as Secondary Traumatic Stress, or the stress experienced by caregivers. At focus in this volume are the assessment, treatment and prevention of Compassion Fatigue.
Through examination of contemporary theory and research, leaders in the field come together to further clarify the concept of Compassion Fatigue. Case studies address the trauma of working with special populations such as children, victims of terrorism, and major disaster survivors. New and innovative treatment methods offer comprehensive plans for recovery from burnout and the prevention strategies provided will be of use to those in the helping professions. "Treating Compassion Fatigue" will bring to light the "cost of caring" for those in emotional distress, allowing professionals to fully prosper in their compassionate efforts.
