【輸入盤CD】【新品】GREEN DAY / AMERICAN IDIOT (20TH ANNIVERSARY) (Deluxe Edition)【K2024/10/25発売】(グリーン・デイ)
価格: 12,900円(税込)
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2024/10/25 発売輸入盤レーベル: REPRISE / WEA収録曲:- Disc 1 -1 American Idiot2 Jesus of Suburbia3 I. Jesus of Suburbia4 II. City of the Damned5 III. I Don't Care6 IV. Dearly Beloved7 V. Tales of Another Broken Home- Disc 2 -1 Holiday2 Boulevard of Broken Dreams3 Are We the Waiting4 St. Jimmy- Disc 3 -1 Give Me Novocaine2 She's a Rebel3 Extraordinary Girl4 Letterbomb5 Wake Me Up When September Ends- Disc 4 -1 Homecoming2 I. the Death of St. Jimmy3 II. East 12th St4 III. Nobody Likes You5 IV. Rock and Roll Girlfriend6 V. We're Coming Home Again7 Whatsernameグラミー賞受賞を誇る、カリフォルニアが生んだ“世界で最も愛されている”パンク・ロック・バンド、グリーン・デイが2004年に発表した最高傑作『AMERICAN IDIOT』が、発売20周年を記念したアニヴァーサリー・エディションとなって登場!オリジナル・アルバムに加え、スーパー・デラックス・ボックス・セットには未発表デモ15曲、2004年にニューヨークのアーヴィング・プラザで行われたコンサート15曲(未発表曲9曲)、B面曲とボーナス・トラックとしてリリースされた15曲が収録されている。2枚のBlu-rayには、映画「Heart Like A Hand Grenade」、BBCでのグリーン・デイの35分間のライブ、そして新しい未発表ドキュメンタリー「20 Years of American Idiot」をフィーチャー。Green Day’s seventh studio album American Idiot was released in September 2004 and has since sold over 23 million copies worldwide, including 9 million in the US. The album is a punk rock opera masterpiece that won the Best Rock Album at the 2005 Grammy Awardsc. Five hit singles were released from the album: “Boulevard of Broken Dreams”, “Holiday”, “Wake Me Up When September Ends”, “Jesus of Suburbia”, and the title track, “American Idiot”.Limited Edition Super Deluxe Box Sets (vinyl and CD) will be released on October 25th, 2024, to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of this legendary album.In addition to the original album, the super deluxe box sets include 15 unreleased demos, a 15-song 2004 concert from Irving Plaza, NYC (9 songs previously unreleased), and 15 tracks that were released as B-Sides and bonus tracks. The box set is completed with two Blu-rays that feature the film “Heart Like A Hand Grenade”, 35 minutes of Green Day live at the BBC, and a new, unreleased documentary: “20 Years of American Idiot”.(グリーンデイ)